2010年9月3日 星期五

The Lancet: Chinese doctors are under threat


世界知名的醫學期刊Lancet在八月份的刊物中登上了一篇評論,標題為Chinese doctors are under threat。
裡面提到八月18-21在深圳舉行的「世界癌症會議(World Cancer Congress)」中,中國衛生局長發表了演說,描述了目前在中國進行的衛生政策改革,會中許多政策家及醫師參與討論,但真正地方醫師卻鮮少參加。

為何?"...for many Chinese doctors personal safety is of greater concern"

"The problem may be largely one of perception. Many Chinese patients believe that doctors and hospitals conspire to increase charges by providing unnecessary examinations, investigations, and treatments. Additionally, some doctors accept red envelopes (a monetary gift in exchange for favourable service) against the rules. Many patients blame the deterioration of their health directly on doctors, claiming that doctors lack devotion and skills."

另外媒體也佔了很重要的因素," There is disproportionate coverage in newspapers, television, and on the internet of how health professionals have cheated patients."

